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Verfasst: 22 Apr 2005, 09:30
von Thara
Welcher SciFi / Fantasy Char bin ich ?

Luke Skywalker

Boldly striving to overcome the darkness both in this world and within yourself, you are righteously devoted to forging your own destiny.

It's your choice, but I warn you not to underestimate my powers.

Verfasst: 22 Apr 2005, 11:14
von Refizul
au shiiet..

You are "Worf" *löl*

Verfasst: 22 Apr 2005, 11:33
von Tharon

Ich bin JOHN SHERIDAN (Babylon 5)

An experienced survivor who has maneuvered around many obstacles, you are looked up to by those who rely on your good judgment.



Verfasst: 22 Apr 2005, 13:53
von morgenstern
Wieso bin ich auch Luke Skywalker?! Ich hasse diese Dumpfbacke! :angry:

Verfasst: 22 Apr 2005, 14:01
von Nefrun Larr
Ltd. Commander Data (Star Trek, Das nächste Jahundert)
Ich schlage eine radikale Dislokation vor, denn der Materie/Antimateriereaktionskomplex wird durch die Pylonen an den Bussardkollektoren beträchtlichen Schaden nehmen und es wird wiederum eine neue Quantensingularität entstehen, die den Raum krümmt und die Anwendung des Warpantriebes unmöglich macht, sowie auch erten Kontakte mit Präwarpzivilisationen.
:D :D :D

Verfasst: 22 Apr 2005, 14:21
von Amarth
Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhaaaaaaaaaa! :D

Wesley Crusher

A brilliant learner with a knack for almost everything, you choose to spend your efforts in the pursuit of travels that extend your own potential.

Maybe I am sick of following rules and regulations!

Verfasst: 22 Apr 2005, 14:38
von morgenstern
Amarth hat geschrieben:Wesley Crusher
Ok, jetzt wissen wir ja, wer hier die absolute Arschkarte gezogen hat. :laugh:

Verfasst: 22 Apr 2005, 21:02
von Amarth
Der Text darunter hört sich ja noch ganz gut an, aber muss es gerade Wesley Crusher sein? Das Bild war geradezu grausam, dann doch lieber Luke Skywalker oder Chewbacca ;)

Verfasst: 22 Apr 2005, 21:35
von Jaspertin
Huiii, Ich bin Leonard "Bones" McCoy,
also Pille

An intent healer with a strong temper, you are often the voice of compassion when it comes to the concerns of others.

I'm a doctor, not a bricklayer!:D

Verfasst: 22 Apr 2005, 21:41
von Ashimar

A focused advisor whose actions are dictated by almost pure logic, you believe in exploring the fascinating possibilities around you.

Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few

Verfasst: 22 Apr 2005, 21:43
von Jae
James T. Kirk

An impassioned commander with more respect for individuals than for authority, you have a no-holds-barred approach to life and its obstacles.

I don't believe in the no-win scenario.

Verfasst: 24 Apr 2005, 15:21
von Eldorian
Anakin Skywalker

Struggling for self-assurance over hidden angst, you are highly adept and full of surprises.

Na ja passend! :angry: :)

*chpccch* chpccch*

Verfasst: 27 Apr 2005, 17:08
von Flu
Ich bin Gandalf ???

A wandering spirit caring for a multitude of just concerns, you are an instrumental power in many of the causes around you.

And so am I, very dangerous: more dangerous than anything you will ever meet, unless you are brought alive before the seat of the Dark Lord.

Verfasst: 06 Mär 2009, 12:15
von Lasien Faturon
Raistlin Majere


An intensely private individual that chooses actions with care, you strive to further your own skills and powers.

This happens because I choose it to happen!



Edited By Lasien Faturon on 1236338308

Verfasst: 06 Mär 2009, 12:23
von Tharon
Lustig, sowas zu wiederholen nach ner Weile:

Damals war ich John Sheridan (B5)...


Galadriel :D

(Ist das nun komisch?)